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Taniwha Marae Covid-19 Response Plan as at 22 March 2020

“ Amohia ake te ora o te iwi, ka puta ki te whei ao”

To protect the wellbeing of people is paramount

Naa Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero Te Tuawhitu

Kia ora e te whanau o Taniwha Marae,

Earlier this month, COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation.

In response to the global Covid-19 Pandemic we too are responding to the call for action to protect our whanau and communities #stopthespread #flattenthecurve

Taniwha Marae Trustees have met (via video conference) to formulate our initial response to this evolving situation. Our response plan is under constant review so as to reflect appropriate measures as events unfold.

Given the current circumstances, our priority is to protect the health and wellbeing of people first. As was done in the time of Te Puea, we have to adjust our tikanga and kawa accordingly.


The marae is closed for use for all events except for symbolic tangihanga until at least August 2020.

The marae will not be available for bookings from now until at least Koroneihana 2020. This is in line with the timeframes put in place by Kiingi Tuheitea in relation to postponing poukai. The timeframes will be revisited as appropriate.

All existing marae bookings between now and August have been cancelled. This affects one booking, and planned marae hui only.

At this time the marae is not available for whanau seeking refuge. Whanau should follow the official public health advice. If you are feeling unwell, or have potentially been exposed to the virus, stay home and call health-line.


In the unfortunate event of tangihanga during this time whanau should follow government health requirements and advice.

Whanau are encouraged to have tangihanga at home and to restrict numbers in attendance to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Should whanau wish to bring tupaapaku to lay on the mahau for a short time ahead of burial or cremation, the marae will be available, subject to the following restrictions and conditions:

A designated whanau representative must contact Jackie Colliar (Chair) - 027 727 0800 or Sam Toka (Secretary) - 027 600 4227 ahead of time. To reduce the risk of spread, the marae facilities will not be available for use.

The kitchen facilities and wharenui will not be available for use. The marae will not be available for overnight stays. Wharepaku facilities will be available, subject to a representative of the whanau pani confirming that they will be responsible for thorough cleaning and disinfection of the facilities. A full list and contact details of attendees must be kept for at least 1 month following.


Reaching out to kaumatua and whanau

We will be asking whanau to reach out to our kaumatua (either directly or through others in their whanau) to check their situation and make sure they have access to available resources and support. Waikato-Tainui are also seeking to collect personal information for those 60 years and over so that they can consider providing further support to you if needed during the COVID-19 event. In giving your information, you authorise the release of, and use of, your personal information to and by our kaimahi, agents, contractors and to and by any agencies we partner with for all the purposes of supporting you during the COVID-19 event.

- Sharing Information

We will continue to provide information to whanau as it comes available. However we do recommend that you refer to for up to date information. We’re also considering what other measures we as a marae should and can be putting in place in response to the COVID-19 event.

- Support & Resources

Waikato Tainui and other agencies are currently mobilising and planning for support services and resources to be made available to those most in need. These plans are being finalised, but will likely include:

Free Flu Vaccinations for those 65+; pregnant; under 4’s with respiratory conditions. See Care Packs for Kaumatua - distribution centres being organised currently. Meals of Wheels for in need kaumatua in the Waikato

- Mahi Hiki Wairua

Whanau we need to support each other and continue to check on and connect with each other. Time to use technology to its fullest potential and to awhi our kaumatua who might need it. Whanau - keep in touch with each other. Consider some uplifting activities you can do as a whanau. Karakia, waiata, puurakau, te reo etc. Sharing humour and positive korero, learning a new skill etc.

Trustee Hui

Trustees will continue to meet via Video Conferencing Facilities and continue with business as usual, as best we can.

Marae Hui

Trustees are investigating alternative methods of having marae hui. This may involve live streaming meetings or having smaller gatherings, but is yet to be confirmed.


All official marae information will be posted on the Taniwha Marae Webpage:

We will notify whanau of the response plan available on our website via

Taniwha Marae (Official Page) facebook group Email addresses

We will seek to contact our kaumatua by telephone where we have contact details for them. Where we don’t have contact details we will reach out to other whanau members.


Key Marae Contacts

Trustee Chair

Jackie Colliar

027 727 0800

Trustee Secretary

Sam Toka

027 600 4227

Key Decision Makers

Marae Trustees

Chair and Secretary above

Pierre Tohe

Ellen Sherwood

Willie Tipene

Mario Patrick

Tawhiao Falwasser


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